A little montage of Chinese New Year at Lyon ... it was very cold and there were many fewer people than last year. On the picture or I in the arm, we see Fourviere off (for those who know).
past few days Eliot is in-sup-por-table!
is not for all, he responds when you scold him, he stamps his foot, he roars, he cries for everything and anything ... in short, a slice of life as they aime.Ce Sunday was the pinnacle !
Today, everything has finally gone well ... no tears for the day except at the table tonight because he defied his father and his brother so much cavalier!
Last Thursday, accompanied by my parents, we had a great day in the snow near the valley Trièves in Lus la Croix Haute.
ELIOTT skied! too funny to see him so at ease on skis with real shoes and everything! He has a great balance, he puts his hands on his knees and in front! I rush and I do not even fall! It even takes the lift with the rope!
We also went sledging and it's going faster, he loves
photos soon!