After my episode Belgian us here in the Bulge (first time I put my flip flops!) From Chris, a friend of the blogosphere for years. We are nicely accommodated at home with beautifully Eliott and received by his family, and Olivier Jade and Topaz, a beautiful Cavalier King Charles. Another point in common with Chris: of course our first names (even if the spelling is different) and the name of our dog, Topaz! Funny, no?
a breakfast on the terrace for a memorable ... in 3 seconds, time has changed and sent a flurry waltz cups, tablecloth, chairs! ah ah ah, it was a retreat in the house! We both laughed ... this is not Chris ?? shhh ...
We have discussed, chatting, whispering ... that time has passed quickly ... too quickly.
children have played both but sometimes ... sometimes it was not the entente cordiale! Fortunately, moms were a diversion!
What a great meeting! Chris thank you ...