Please note, I announce the heavy! Finally, from mid-heavy, to be precise, since the bulk of the month comparo between the mid-size sport! And yes, the cream of Supersports found itself in full power and road, for your pleasure! But that's not all you'll find the program a game between the small roadsters, including Suz 'Gladius, the new ER-6 and the Yam' XJ6 ... As news, it's getting hot in Austria: Will is went to test the latest sports KTM RC8 R and its 170 nag, while Droo handled the case of the 990 GTS, a big supermot'ascendant road that could really hurt when curves show that the tip of their nose! BMW is also in the spotlight: the Piwi was measured with all the new series K 1300 S & R, while Karine princesses played on the Rock of Monaco on the handlebars of a large Honda scoot! As usual, delirium has not been forgotten, since you will find an unprecedented challenge: our knight Grolandais, I appointed Serge necks is going to face a top mountain biker, Karim Amour, a descent into hell! And of course, your standard items are still appointments:
- atmosphere of the mag
- shoppings
- news
- BD Thieum '
- Main Page sexy (but it also scares this month!)
... Not to mention preparing the mascot mag for its participation at Joe Bar One!
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