So ... Have you walked to our little fish Avril special blog?! Well no, you can blow: YOUR FAVORITE BLOG DO NOT CLOSE ITS DOORS! And better than that, it evolves!
Indeed, we have a new version of the blog in the pipes. It should come in the brand new website Motorcycle and Biker, you can find at the usual address (www.motoetmotards.com) in the month of April. Little treat to reward you for fear that we did yesterday, here are some of the main lines of future M & M.com "...
- New interface
- Videos Online (initially not new ... But it will come!)
- Ability to buy and get you some images from legendary and current magazine format poster.
- Subscribe online.
- Shop online completely revised (with new products soon).
- special sections dedicated to bikers and motorcycle events (Burns Day, track days ...) to be always aware
- Special benefits for subscribers to the magazine (high definition videos in the near future as downloadable items the Garage Girls, the charm, the flying lessons ...), as well as other surprises!
- and for all ... a new version of your blog! Double good
therefore new, because in addition to work on a website offering a beautiful slew of benefits, and bonus info, including our customers, we decided to change the blog by integrating this new platform.
Faithful readers or just discover the blog and the magazine Moto Bikers, you will definitely notice this place, which celebrated its one year in the month of April. To begin as it should be the second year of existence, we also want to review with you, we follow assiduously.
For now, this blog is to inform you of the contents of your next Motorcycle & Bikers. But perhaps Did you want something else for this next version? STOP! No, no videos! We know you want new, but our schedule did not allow it yet. But is there something else that you would want? More news from the world of motorcycle? More contests? More polls? Let go of you, you listen!
Photo: Photo: www.villiard.com
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