... ... and sunshine and heat ...
Eliott has no crisis of rebellion and was very nice! It is VERY VERY VERY cuddly, always tells me he loves me "many many many" and "always always always" and "I do not want you went to work, I want you to stay with me, not the RAMAC (pharmacy, of course!).
It really benefits all is happiness ... a fullness I had not felt for a moment ...
By cons, tomorrow is not same! back to work until Saturday noon. But a chance, the Wednesday is the mom who keeps and as it is 5 minutes from the pharmacy, we eat together! It reduces the recovery, because in general, the first morning of recovery, I am not happy ... it weighs on me, it takes time to get back in the bath ...
The only thing that bothers me is that I feel "old, at the end of my life" because we have no prospect of a child. We fought so hard for 12 years already to have a third child it became the only purpose of my life ... so when the 3rd one there ... The fight is over, and oddly, a lack moved.
Do you understand?
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